Saturday, 22 May 2010

Do estate agents go to Heaven?

So, recently I have been scammed out of £1100 by a dodgy estate agent. I won't bore you with the details - suffice it to say that when I went to pick up the keys, they'd buggered well and truly off, with my and a lot of other people's cash. The police, true to form as ever, were less than useless, with one sergeant that I spoke to at the local station actually visibly getting angry that I suggested that it was a case of fraud, and so something they deal with, rather than a civil matter. I have all the bank details of accounts that I paid in to, but no one will either tell me any information about the holder, or take on the issue themselves. It really is no wonder why so many people turn to crime - the chances of getting caught seem to be minimal.

The worst part is, now I am constantly calling my own sense of judgement, which before I thought was pretty good, into question.
