Wednesday 8 December 2010

Plant a tree for your blog

I'm not sure if you have come across 'My Blog Is Carbon Neutral' initiative, but for those who haven't, let me fill you in. It is a new scheme put forward by Germany's Make It Green Programme and the Arbor Day Foundation in America, two groups committed to reducing our impact on the environment. Essentially, all you have to do is write a blog post featuring the My Blog Is Carbon Neutral button (available here) and then email it to the fine eco-friendly chaps at

The organisations have worked out that each blog that attracts less than 15,000 hits a month generates somewhere in the region of 8lbs of carbon emissions a year (this includes power generated from computer usage, electricity hours and server cooler systems). For every blog link that they receive, the groups will plant one tree in the Plumas National Forest in California. One tree is estimated to eliminate around 11lbs of carbon in the atmosphere every year. So, for every blog post that they plant a tree for, the groups are actually saving the Earth, 3lbs of carbon at a time. This is a whole new era of eco-consumption! Are you carbon neutral? No, I'm carbon positive!

So go on, grab yourself a button and start saving the planet!

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